
Showing posts from January, 2006

Message for the day

Value: Faith To be connected with people's specialities is to have faith in them. Contemplation: Faith is more based on our perception of people rather than just their behaviour.  When we have the habit of seeing specialities in each and every person, we are able to create space for the use of these specialities.  This automatically reflects our faith in them and their ability to contribute. Application: Let me make a firm practice of seeing at least one positive aspect in each and every person I come into contact with.  Then I will be able to use this speciality in a practical way and help the other person also to use this speciality. In this way, I will be able to increase his capability and my faith in him.

Message for the day 31st Jan

Faith in others wins cooperation from them. Contemplation: When we are working together, we need to have faith in the capabilities of those working with us by seeing their specialities and using them too. This will naturally create a healthy environment where everyone is working together as a team. Application: One thought that would help me in practical situations to work as a team is to have faith in the ones I am working with. When I am able to have faith, I am able to create a positive environment where everyone is able to express his or her best potential. The task would be successful and there would be benefit and personal growth for everyone working in the team.

Message for the day

Creativity is to create even when there is visible destruction. Contemplation: When we are creative, we are not worried about the visible destruction that is going on around us.  We need to understand the fact that the task of destruction is always very conspicuous and the task of construction very incognito but powerful.  So when we continue to sow seeds of positivity we are able to create - using the forces of negativity as manure for growth. Application: Whenever I see someone using negative traits, I need to see within myself what positive traits I can use to contribute to end that negativity. Instead of getting coloured by negativity, I need to contribute positively. This is true creativity, which 'creates' even in the worst circumstances.

Thought for the day

Unless I develop self-respect, I will remain under someone else's foot.

Message for the day

Value: Creativity Introversion frees the mind from wasteful and negative thinking and brings creativity. Contemplation: Instead of being taken by surprise and despairing, introversion helps us to remain steady and creative even during difficult situations. Introversion keeps us free from the grip of negative programming and conditioning that is already in the mind and helps us remain focused and capable, using resources in the right way. Application: Even in the most negative situation, I need to practice being detached and rise above the situation and have the aim of moving forward. This gives me the understanding that there is a secret, tailor-made lesson for my own personal development, in every instance of difficulty in my life. Thus I will be able to creatively use everything for my progress.

Message for the day

Be the Magnet of peace so that you can attract peaceless souls.

Thought for the day

Many people will want to quarrel and fight with you; realise that the only weapons you need are a smile and a lovable attitude.

Message for the day

Simplicity sharpens the power of perception and brings clarity. Contemplation: When there is simplicity within, the clouds or layers that prevent clear perception begin to fade away and we are able to see the situation clearly. With simplicity we find that there is nothing to colour or change our perception and naturally the decisions that follow become accurate too. Application: Before I take any important decision I need to stop for a while, detach myself from the situation and see it with a cool mind. With this my thoughts will become free from all kind of associated memories and unnecessary attitudes and I will be able to make the right decision.

Message for the day 2nd Jan 2006

Value: Clarity The one who has a clear aim, is able to win the cooperation from others too. Contemplation: When we are doing something with a clear picture in our minds, others will naturally cooperate.  If we ourselves are not sure of what we are doing and why, we will not be able to receive their cooperation. So we first need to make sure in our minds our own clarity of our journey and destination. Application: When I want the cooperation of others in what I do, I need to make sure that I am sure of what I am doing.  I first need to be clear in my mind of what I want to achieve and I will find others helping me automatically. Situations too start fovouring me.  In other words, I am able to make best use of the resources available to me.