3-days Online Conference 'Inner Tranquility Leading Research for A Perfect World'

Join a 3-days Online Conference on the theme

'Inner Tranquility Leading Research for A Perfect World' hosted by the SpARC Wing of Brahma Kumaris.

YouTube: https://tiny.cc/sparcwing2020

Sessions will be telecasted on Awakening TV. #research #event #brahmakumaris 

Friday 11th September                06:30 pm-08.30 pm             Inaugural Session

Saturday 12th September           10:00 am-11.30 am             Plenary Session-01

                                                         06:30 pm-08.30 pm            Plenary Session-02

Sunday 13th September              10:00 am-11.30 am             Plenary Session-03

                                                         06:30 pm-07.30 pm             Plenary Session-04

                                                         07.30 pm-08.30 pm             Valedictory session