It is said that God is truth. Truth is that which is real, genuine, and eternal, not imaginary, artificial, or temporary. When we believe or say that we are truthful, is that really the case? Are we – our thoughts, words and deeds – truly aligned with God? Is God the support and guiding light of our life? The moment we make a person or thing our support, that very second the mind and intellect have stepped away from God and come under the influence of that person or thing. Because of stepping away from the one who is truth, the intellect will begin to be deceived. It will consider what is false to be true and what is wrong to be right. It starts making erroneous judgments. Then no matter how much someone tries to explain to us that it is not right, we try to prove what is wrong to be right, using all the persuasive power of clever arguments that are, however, based on falsehood. What is the difference between truth and falsehood? Success or victory attained through falsehood is a...