
Showing posts from December, 2005

Message for the day

Concentration is to be powerful under all circumstances. Contemplation: To be positive in positive situations is easy.  But real concentration is to remain positive and powerful even in negative situation.  A long time of practice of having positive thoughts enables us to remain concentrated even in negative situations. Application: Each day let me practice with one positive thought.  With consistent practice when things are going good, I will be able to have concentration even in difficult circumstances

Message for the day 29th Dec 2005

Concentration comes from having a deep insight. Contemplation: When there is the understanding that there is more to life than what we perceive physically, we are able to go beyond the visible situation. This brings concentration of the mind, which helps us accumulate power. Thus we are able to give others by recognizing the mental needs of others. Application: When I find myself caught in anything that is not worth concentrating on, I just need to withdraw my thoughts in a second and concentrate on something positive. It could be giving the mind the task of giving good wishes to others.

Message for the day 28th Dec

To have concentration is to have a powerful mind. Contemplation: When thoughts are many and varied, there is lack of concentration. This naturally weakens thought power.  When all thoughts are focused on one point, there is concentration - and power. Such a mind can then create wonders.  It works like a lens that brings the sunrays together and gets the power to burn paper. Application: Let me practice staying in the experience of one single thought.  I can practice with peace, love, happiness etc.  When I experience this quality there is concentration and this concentration naturally brings power.

Message for the day

Humility comes from an open and clean heart. Contemplation: Humility needs a good home to dwell in.  When the mind is filled with negative feelings or biased ideas towards anyone, we cannot use humility.  So we need to fill our mind with positive thoughts towards everyone. Application: Self-respect is the key to developing humility.  When I am connected to my own specialities, I am able to maintain self-respect.  When I have respect for myself I have respect and positive feelings for others too. This automatically gives me the openness to learn from others too.

Thought for the day

To be alert is to have the ability to transform. Contemplation: When we are alert, we are naturally able to recognize the indication that situations are giving us.  We are able to pick this up, realize what needs to be changed.  So we are able to transform easily and quickly. Application: When I find difficulty in changing something,  I need to alert myself and make myself aware of the change that is required.  A little re-thinking and checking will enable me to crystallize the change required and make effort accordingly.  So transformation becomes easy.

Value: Concentration

To be positive is to increase concentration. Contemplation: When we have negative thoughts, there are a lot of thoughts and they are also disorganized.  So concentration is reduced.  On the other hand, when the mind is filled with positivity, the thoughts are few and well-organised.  So there is increase in concentration. Application: In order to increase the stock of my own positive thoughts, and thereby increase concentration, I need to spend sometime with positive thoughts. Each day let me take a positive thought which becomes a reminder for me of my own inner positivity.  This practice sustains positivity and increases concentration.

Message for the day

The one who is alert is the one who is free from repeating mistakes. Contemplation: Mistakes do happen, but we must keep our heart happy and have the courage for the future.  Whatever happens there is always a lesson to be learnt which would be useful for the future.  When we keep ourselves alert and learn in this way, we are able to enrich ourselves and also move forward with courage. Application: At the end of each day let me think of all those things that didn't go right and see what I have learnt from them.  When I am sure that I have learnt something I will understand what has happened was for the good. When I am alert to my own mistakes and learning I will never repeat what I have done wrong.

To be alert is to finish carelessness and laziness.

Contemplation: The one who is alert is the one who is enthusiastic too. And the one who has this one speciality of enthusiasm, will be instrumental in bringing many other specialities. So there is positivity, courage and hope seen in such a person, which naturally finishes carelessness and laziness. Application: If I am alert to the situation, I will be able to find what is missing and provide accordingly.  I will naturally take up the responsibility of providing what is missing.  When I take up responsibility in this way I will be able to finish laziness and carelessness within me and I will be enthusiastic too.

To be alert is to make the best use of the available resources.

Contemplation: Difficult and challenging situations come to us in a way that we don't recognize the positivity but only are able to see the negative aspects in them.  So we sometimes find it difficult to do anything to change the situation.  Having a practice of being alert to the positive aspect of the situation helps in dealing better with the challenges. Application: Having a practice of seeing only the positivity in situations helps us at times of need too. A long time of practice helps us even when the situation is seemingly something negative.  We become alert to the little resources that are hidden and are able to use them well to better the situation. Brahma Kumaris

Alertness comes from a calm and clear mind.

Contemplation: Situations do bring a lot of challenges for us, but where there is fear or worry while facing them, there cannot be clarity in the mind. So we cannot be alert to the solution that is hidden.  On the other hand, the one who has a clean and clear mind is able to see the solution hidden within every problem and so is able to achieve success quickly. Application: When faced with a problem I need to look for the solution with a clean and clear mind.  I need to make special effort to clear mind of all waste and negative, specially about the problem itself.  That means I might for sometime have to even stop thinking about the problem and allow my mind to dwell on something more positive.  This will naturally allow my mind to come up with the right solution.

Message for the day

To be open to mistakes is to enable others to strengthen themselves and progress. Contemplation: When there is respect for others there is actually an environment that is created in which they can strengthen themselves and grow. The one who has this elevated consciousness is not caught up with others'weaknesses. On the other hand, he is able to encourage them to use their specialties. Application: When I see someone working with his weakness, I need to think of one speciality in that person and relate to him with this speciality. Also I need to draw his attention to it and slowly I'll find him getting stronger.

30th November

Make effort to uplift yourself; do not degrade yourself, for one's own self is one's friend and one's own self is one's enemy.

29th November

If your thoughts are pure, it becomes easy to say what you think and do what you say.

28th November

Remember! The conduct of the parents is an education to the children.

27th November

Never lose hope. Hope is a rope that swings you through life.

Value: Balance

When there is a balance between easiness and responsibility, there will be benefit for others. Contemplation: When we understand our responsibility we would understand that what we do affects the lives of others too. So we will be cautious. Apart from this we will also know to take care of our own well being because we would know that others would gain from our healthy attitudes. Application: Let me dedicate this day for removing some weakness within myself that is creating an obstacle for others and myself. When I do this I will not only be helping myself but there will be benefit for others too.

To balance forgiveness with correction is to ensure power in words.

Contemplation: To only correct without having any good wishes is to waste words.  It will further distance the gap and create a barrier forever.  On the other hand, just forgiveness will not ensure growth in the other person, and he will only keep repeating his mistakes.  A balance of both is what brings power in our words, which will ensure his positive growth. Application: When I find someone making a mistake, I need to make sure that I provide the  right environment for his change before correcting him.  To provide the right environment means to have an attitude of forgiveness and good wishes. This will automatically bring positivity in my words through which he can find some means of benefit for himself.