
Showing posts from January, 2021

#sundayvibes #positivevibesonly #brahmakumaris #Thought4day #quoteoftheday

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To walk on truth, firstly we must understand it completely & in depth. This understanding of truth requires courage and immense patience because we are habituated with lies. After understanding comes regular fueling and walking. #brahmakumaris #positivevibesonly #quoteoftheday #sundayvibes #Thought4day

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#quoteoftheday #brahmakumaris #positivevibesonly #hindiquotes #Thought4day

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We all are gardener of our character. The flower of divine virtues can grow if we choose to nourish ourselves daily with right spiritual knowledge. The sunlight of meditation and silent reflection can help to cut down the weeds of jealousy, anger, stress, anxiety. #brahmakumaris #positivevibesonly #thoughtoftheday #meditation #quoteoftheday

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#brahmakumaris #positivevibesonly #hindiquotes #thoughtoftheday

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We all are creators of outer reality which is nothing but a reflection of inner reality. Everything physical is manifested by the non-physical. So any physical transformation requires knowledge & understanding of the non-physical i.e. soul. Rajayoga Meditation gives us the total understanding about who we are and how we function. #brahmakumaris #positivevibesonly #quoteoftheday #thoughtoftheday #meditation

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#brahmakumaris #positivevibesonly #hindiquotes #quoteoftheday #thoughtoftheday

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When I simplified, I realised that my problems are just illusions of complex thinking arising out of ignorance. Simplicity is the art of focusing only on what is necessary, real & truth. It is easy to complicate a situation, make it a problem by enlarging it in your mind. It takes divine wisdom & innocence to simplify. #brahmakumaris #positivevibesonly #thoughtoftheday #quotes #meditation #simplicity

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Always have faith that whatever is happing is good and that whatever is going to happen, will be even better. ~brahmakumaris #faithquotes #betterlife #goodnightquotes #brahmakumaris #noworries #goodvibes #goodhappening #happiness #mountabu #brahmakumarisquotes #bkes #bkwsu #globalcooperationhouse #globalretreatcentre #omshanti #omshantiretreatcentre #shantisarovarhyderabad

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#brahmakumaris #positivevibesonly #quoteoftheday #thoughtoftheday

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Everyone and everything is exactly the way it is meant to be. Accepting this on a deeper level will not let my mind judge and find faults in others. This acceptance leads to a deep state of peace. #brahmakumaris #thoughtoftheday #thought4day #positivevibesonly #quoteoftheday

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Full freedom functions only when rights are balanced with responsibilities and choice is balanced with conscience. ~brahma kumaris #brahmakumaris #hindiquotes #quoteoftheday #republicday #blessings #freedom #balancedlifestyle #republicdayindia #successmantra #mind #spiritualquotes #brahmakumaris #englishquotes #livingspiritually #middayvibes #responsibility #mountabu #shantivan #bkquotes

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#brahmakumaris #hindiquotes #quoteoftheday #republicday

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One drop of water cannot clean the deep rooted stains. Similarly one positive thought cannot create a new pathway of divine life. Consistent and concentrated flow of powerful thoughts can bring real transformation. #brahmakumaris #thoughtoftheday #powerofpositivity #positivevibes #quoteoftheday

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The one who accumulates blessings at each step attains success easily. ~brahma kumaris #blessings #successquotes #accumulates #successmantra #mind #spiritualquotes #brahmakumaris #englishquotes #nightquotes #goodnightquotes #livingspiritually #mountabu #shantivan #bkquotes

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#brahmakumaris #thoughtoftheday #hindiquotes #positivevibes #success

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We can have different sets of acquired beliefs but we all have inherent nature of love which allows us to accept the differences. With acceptance of each other's uniqueness comes balance, rhythm and harmony and that creates beauty. #brahmakumaris #thoughtoftheday #positivevibes #mondaymotivation

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To keep our mind in constant spiritual pleasure is the art of living. #artofliving #spiritual #pleasure #constant #mind #spiritualquotes #brahmakumaris #englishquotes #nightquotes #goodnightquotes #livingspiritually #mountabu #shantivan #bkquotes

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#brahmakumaris #weekendvibes #positivevibes #hindiquotes #thoughtoftheday

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To love is to be selfless, kind and free from desire of approval and acceptance. Love is realised when there is a pure intention to benefit other. Forgiveness, compassion, care, respect all are different fragrances of the same flower - "love" #brahmakumaris #weekendvibes #love #rajayoga #meditation #thoughtoftheday

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In the situation involving another person, compassion, consideration and sensitivity towards them heal effectively. If we lighten our state of being with these qualities, we value the relationships. ~brahmakumaris #relationship #compassion #brahmakumaris #brahmakumarisworldspiritualuniversity #meditation #peace #peaceofmind #omshanti #changeyourlife #bepure #wearedivinesouls #spreadsprituality #truthoflife #heaveninmountabu #changeyourthoghts #brahmakumarisusa #supremesoul #innerbeauty #happiness #noworries #livelifetothefullest #besprituallyminded #motivationalquotes

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#brahmakumaris #hindiquotes #positivevibesonly #thoughtoftheday #meditation

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Which type of food am I giving to my mind ? What am I choosing to read, listen and observe ? The content I am giving to my mind has a direct impact on my thinking pattern, feelings, attitude, behaviour and my destiny. #brahmakumaris #positivevibesonly #thoughtoftheday #quoteoftheday #rajayoga

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#brahmakumaris #thoughtoftheday #hindiquotes

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How we experience our life depends on how we think. Realize the power and effect of your thoughts and you will start valuing them. Thoughts are invisible, intangible, subtle and finer and that is why they can reach faster to other people at distance. Communication at thought level is most secure, finest and fastest. #brahmakumaris #positivevibesonly #powerofthought #thoughtoftheday

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#brahmakumaris #hindiquotes #thoughtoftheday

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I can change myself anytime.I can be the way I want to be. I can change my mindset by exploring spirituality. I can control my mind. But I cannot control anyone else so I stop expecting others to be the way I want it. #brahmakumaris #thoughtfortheday #positivevibesonly #omshanti

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#brahmakumaris #positivevibes #thoughtoftheday #hindiquotes

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We all have immense energy and creative powers, all we need is to discover a divine purpose to channelize our creative powers. Each one of us has a greater purpose and once we recognise why are we here, that inner force drives our mind and body in that direction. #brahmakumaris #thoughtoftheday #positivevibesonly #quoteoftheday #omshanti

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#brahmakumaris #hindiquotes #thoughtoftheday #positivevibes

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What we resist in our mind, persists in our life. Situations and people can upset us only when we resist. The moment we accept, both lose their power. Hence the journey of transformation, resolution and healing begins with acceptance. #brahmakumaris #positivevibesonly #thoughtoftheday #quoteoftheday

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#brahmakumaris #hindiquotes #thoughtoftheday

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That which doesn't change with time and circumstances and that which doesn't require any artificial decoration is truth. Truth is simple, easy & beautiful in itself. But we have made ourselves complex with many myths & beliefs and that is why to understand true knowledge, we need patience, humility and openness. #brahmakumaris #thoughtoftheday #positivevibesonly #quoteoftheday #rajayoga

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To be honest to one's real self and to the purpose of a task, earns trust and inspires others. ~brahmakumaris #honest #trust #inspire #brahmakumaris . . . . . #brahmakumaris #brahmakumarisworldspiritualuniversity #meditation #peace #peaceofmind #omshanti #changeyourlife #bepure #wearedivinesouls #spreadsprituality #truthoflife #heaveninmountabu #changeyourthoghts #brahmakumarisusa #supremesoul #innerbeauty #happiness #noworries #believeinkarma #nostress #livelifetothefullest #besprituallyminded #motivationalquotes

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#brahmakumaris #hindiquotes #weekendvibes #weekendwisdom #yoga

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All conflicts arise due to attachment to a belief and opinion which I think is only right or more right. This attachment tries to defend its opinion and sometimes attacks other people's opinion. Flexibility & openness is to understand that everyone has a point of view based on their perceptions which is not right or wrong but different. This makes my life broad, fluid and conflict free. #bahmakmaris #thoughtforthedayday #thought4day #yoga #weekendvibes

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#brahmakumaris #hindiquotes #thoughtoftheday

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I attract troubles in my life when I resist and reject myself. I love myself completely. I built a strong relationship with my self. I take responsibility of my past, present and future. #brahmakumaris #thoughtoftheday #positivevibes #weekendvibes

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Forgiveness Forgiveness means letting go of pain and resentment. It empowers the soul. ~brahmakumaris #empowers #forgivness #lettinggo #lettinggoquotes #brahmakumaris . . . . . #brahmakumaris #brahmakumarisworldspiritualuniversity #meditation #peace #peaceofmind #omshanti #changeyourlife #bepure #wearedivinesouls #spreadsprituality #truthoflife #heaveninmountabu #changeyourthoghts #brahmakumarisusa #supremesoul #innerbeauty #happiness #noworries #believeinkarma #nostress #livelifetothefullest #besprituallyminded #motivationalquotes

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#brahmakumaris #hindiquotes #thoughtoftheday #positivevibes

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Spiritual virtues are not always taught by words, they are expounded by the way we live. Even the smallest act of walking can be a lesson of humility and grace for the world if the consciousness while walking is pure, calm and graceful. #brahmakumaris #thoughtoftheday #humility #fridayvibes #positivevibes

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Being Example Instead of teaching others by telling them, teach by example. ~brahmakumaris . . . . . #brahmakumaris #brahmakumarisworldspiritualuniversity #meditation #peace #peaceofmind #omshanti #changeyourlife #bepure #wearedivinesouls #spreadsprituality #truthoflife #heaveninmountabu #changeyourthoghts #brahmakumarisusa #supremesoul #innerbeauty #happiness #noworries #believeinkarma #nostress #livelifetothefullest #besprituallyminded #motivationalquotes

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#brahmakumaris #hindiquotes #thoughtoftheday #positivevibes

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Difficulties create barriers but determination break them. ~brahmakumaris . . . . . #brahmakumaris #brahmakumarisworldspiritualuniversity #meditation #peace #peaceofmind #omshanti #changeyourlife #bepure #wearedivinesouls #spreadsprituality #truthoflife #heaveninmountabu #changeyourthoghts #brahmakumarisusa #supremesoul #innerbeauty #happiness #noworries #believeinkarma #nostress #livelifetothefullest #besprituallyminded #motivationalquotes

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#brahmakumaris #thoughtoftheday #hindiquotes

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The world is one family. I am a part of whole. I don't fear but trust the whole because the whole cannot hurt its own part. If I am happy, it spreads all around my family. If I am sad, I am making the world sad. #brahmakumaris #thoughtoftheday #positivevibes #worldisonefamily

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When the boat and the boatman are strong, even storms become a gift. . . . . . #brahmakumaris #brahmakumarisworldspiritualuniversity #meditation #peace #peaceofmind #omshanti #changeyourlife #bepure #wearedivinesouls #spreadsprituality #truthoflife #heaveninmountabu #changeyourthoghts #brahmakumarisusa #supremesoul #innerbeauty #happiness #noworries #believeinkarma #nostress #livelifetothefullest #besprituallyminded #motivationalquotes

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